

About Me

Hello, I'm Simon and currently living in Hangzhou.

In my current job, I am a BI and Strategy Analyst, and my core function is to provide assistance to business decision-making through data-related tools and research.

This xlog blog is a synchronization of the content from my independent blog, 見時筆記, which started in early 2023. If you have read my first blog post here, "Rediscovering the Good Old Days", you probably know about my persistence in writing blogs. Since I discovered xlog created by DIYgod, I decided to also synchronize my own articles here.

The original intention of establishing this blog is different from before: first, it is a summary and expression of my current thoughts, helping me form a systematic way of thinking. Secondly, it is a way to communicate with my future self in a more formal manner, making it easier for my future self to review and see the changes in my thoughts.

In addition to that, I also want to write about the fields I am interested in. I would be very happy to chat with you about these:

💻 Although I really like programming and design, I only have a basic understanding in various aspects due to my short attention span.

🎮 Like most people of my age, I also enjoy playing games. I have played a lot of single-player games from my childhood to online games and competitive games. My favorite ones are survival and management sandbox games.

👾 Probably influenced by games, I also really like pixel art and have tried creating some simple pixel-style images myself.

🧙 I have a 3D printer, the model is: Creality Ender 3V2. I think it is a cost-effective entry-level 3D printer, and if you have the energy, you can also tinker with it. I often use it to print small parts needed at home and some other prototypes.

🔌 When I was studying for my undergraduate degree in Canada, I became fascinated with IoT and development boards, and the most popular one at that time was ESP8266. I have also DIYed some projects, such as being able to see the temperature and humidity conditions in my room in China and switch on my desk lamp.

🐠 Due to my upbringing since childhood, I have always loved keeping fish (and other interesting animals). I even created a dedicated blog called 51 Tropical Fish, which covers topics from introducing aquatic species, equipment selection and DIY, to summarizing and sharing knowledge about aquariums. However, I stopped updating it in 2018 because the content was directly copied and used as pseudo-original content by various platforms such as WeChat Official Accounts and Sohu.

🌳 Since the end of 2021, I have become obsessed with planting potted plants, especially super mini micro potted plants, and have embarked on a feverish journey of buying green plants.

Finally, the website you are currently viewing is created based on the concept of Jamstack, and I have open-sourced it on GitHub: 🥤Fizzy-Jam. If you are interested, you can also build one at zero cost. Feel free to communicate with me.

My Productivity Tools#

I have shared some of the tools I am currently using in My Productivity Tools, and I also welcome recommendations for any productivity tools that you find useful.

Catch Me#

You can reach me through these channels, but remember to tell me where you are from and why you are reaching out to me:

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